Mystery Book Club

The Trap: A Novel

Ava Glass


She has just one week to stop a killer.

Emma Makepeace is headed to Edinburgh for the global G7 Summit when her team is tipped off about a high-profile assassination the Russians are planning—but they have no idea who the target is.

Surrounded by the world's most powerful political leaders in a gridlocked city, Emma must set a trap and use herself as bait. 

With time running short, Emma faces the most perilous mission of her career. How far will she go to catch the killer?


Ava Glass is the author of the espionage series Alias Emma. A former civil servant and journalist, she once worked closely with spies, and that experience fuels her writing. Ava is the pseudonym for an international bestselling author who has written more than ten crime novels under another name. Her books have been bestsellers in multiple countries, and have been published in more than twenty languages. Alias Emma is currently being developed for television by The Ink Factory.

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